Active flexibility

Active flexibility is an important element of both pole and calisthenics. It’s not enough to just passively stretch, we need to work on our active flexibility. What’s the difference, I can hear you ask. Passive flexibility is what most people work on when they are stretching. It is when you use external forces to put… Continue reading Active flexibility

Body types

Have you ever wondered why some people don’t seem to put on any weight no matter what they eat or why others get twice as strong with half the effort? Unfortunately it’s likely due to our genes. There are 3 main body types (somatotypes): mesomorph, ectomorph and endomorph. Each of these have specific characteristics. Most… Continue reading Body types

Categorized as fitness

Functional fitness

Functional fitness… The term gets thrown around a lot. It’s that fancy buzzword that everybody’s talking about. There are over 1 million hashtags on Instagram, every workout video has to include some functional fitness exercises and every gym has a functional fitness area. So what does functional fitness really mean? Let’s start with the word… Continue reading Functional fitness

Categorized as fitness